What is required in the STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY for condos in the Florida Condominium Safety Bill?

A study of the following items as related to the structural integrity and safety of the building:

  1. Roof
  2. Load-bearing walls or other primary structural members
  3. Floor
  4. Foundation
  5. Fireproofing and fire protection systems
  6. Plumbing
  7. Electrical systems
  8. Waterproofing and exterior painting
  9. Windows
  10. Any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceed $10,000 and the failure to replace or maintain such item negatively affects the items as determined by the licensed engineer or architect performing the visual inspection portion of the structural integrity reserve study.

If your building didn’t receive any notice from the Building
Department, contact us for a preliminary evaluation: 
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